Warriors of chaos tactics
Warriors of chaos tactics

While its not ideal to shoot shielded units Handgunners will still slaughter pretty much anything you turn them on, so long as they have an open field of fire. They will slaughter enemy missile cavalry as well as Chaos's most dangerous infantry. Outriders are OK, amazing even if the enemy is infantry heavy, but Handgunners do a lot more damage because of the unit size advantage. Ignoring the very top end units like Demi-gryphs and Luminarks(which are both amazing against Chaos) the best solution to those problems is Handgunners. The Large units tend to be anti-infantry. Tactically you're going to want armor piercing damage and Anti-Large. Additionally the "lightning strike" skill from the bottom row(requires 6 points of investment) will let you pick off individual chaos armies in 1 on 1 fights rather than having to fight 3 at a time. So the way to beat Chaos strategically is to throw men at the problem until it stops. And if it does respawn it will respawn way up north and have to walk all the way back down.

warriors of chaos tactics

If it loses an army that army is generally gone. It can replenish troops but it still has the same problem. It can recruit but that stops it form moving. This means that you can lose an entire army and rebuild it in 4 turns off of the income saved from your units dieing. In Total Warhammer unit upkeeps range from 1/3 to 1/4 of unit production costs depending on skills. Stoping Norsca is very hard, you cannot capture the north and the snow and chaos corruption make traversing that area take a lot of time. And Chaos itself, which spawns semi-randomly. Norsca which is pretty much always there but you might not notice unless until they're invading. Before we get to tactics lets talk strategy.

warriors of chaos tactics warriors of chaos tactics

There are a lot of different ways to defeat chaos.

Warriors of chaos tactics