How to change loot options wow
How to change loot options wow

how to change loot options wow

The Guild Loot System should be to be something that everyone is happy with - or at least, happy enough with to avoid drama.This is why rule #1 is definitely the top priority: There have been some people who have grown so tired of all DKP systems that they completely shun the idea. Not all DKP systems can stand the test of time, eventually, and eventually a "bad" DKP system could be the thing that kills a guild or be necessary to be changed down the line which is certainly a tricky transition.

how to change loot options wow

This post is meant to enlighten on just what can happen long-term with certain DKP systems. Loot Systems end up thus that most everyone will be happy enough with the initial DKP system put into place - the problems are often the details which won't reveal themselves until later on (the devil's in the details). However, different DKP systems do certain things better or worse than other systems. Raiding is about progression, and a DKP system is put in place to help that progression along. This thread is meant to shine some light about the trickiness that lie within loot distribution systems - specifically, end game raid loot distribution.Ĭhoosing the path your guild is going to take in terms of distributing loot in end game raids is one of the big decisions your guild will make. Hello to Guild Leaders, Guild Members, Economists, Philosophers, but most importantly those who simply want a solid DKP system in your guild.

How to change loot options wow