Stalker shadow of chernobyl flashlight
Stalker shadow of chernobyl flashlight

Restricting the weight of weapons and other items in your inventory keeps you busy dropping superfluous gear and adds to the realism in the game, even the toughest soldier (or Stalker) would find it difficult to carry 50 KGs of stuff around on his back. I on the other hand had only a couple of minor crashes which I think I can attribute to my nVidia Graphics. I read that ATI users had some major problems.

stalker shadow of chernobyl flashlight

The developers released a patch shortly after its debut because the game had quite a few bugs. The amount of exploring one can do is amazing! Every area has nooks and crannies everywhere, quite a big world which tells me that this was a very ambitious project but was released a little early. Having said that I wont play it again soon doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it, as a matter of fact it was very good. For some reason most of the outdoor graphics looked a little dated.

stalker shadow of chernobyl flashlight

Graphically, yes its quite good especially indoors.

stalker shadow of chernobyl flashlight

I don't know if I'm just getting old or if it takes something really special to make me want to play a game again but S.T.A.L.K.E.R doesn't.

Stalker shadow of chernobyl flashlight